Tag Archives: bubba

In Memory on Memorial Day

29 May

I don’t have anything fantastical to report from Memorial Day.

To be honest, I was completely exhausted from our trip and then we had to drive an additional hour to visit my parents on Monday.

Because it was Memorial Day, I decided to make one of my grandmother (Bubba)’s pies.

Strawberry Pie.

I don’t have any specific memory of this pie, like I do many of her other desserts, but it felt appropriate for Memorial Day.  Both in significance, season and stars & stripes.

I’ve spoken about my grandmother before here, and it is so special to me that I am able to share her love of cooking on a day created to remember loved ones who have moved on. ♥

This pie is so simple and I know I didn’t do it justice.  I know what I did wrong, easily fixable for my next attempt.

First, combine in a saucepan:

Keep stirring it until it gets thick and syrupy:

While the filling is becoming delicious, put 4 cups of sliced strawberries into a pie crust.

I used a shortbread pre-made crust because I had absolutely no desire to make a crust Monday morning.

After my filling was done, I poured it over the pie crust and popped it in the fridge to set.

In my rush, I forgot to grab a pack of 2 pie crusts and with an impatient brother lurking around I knew we needed to make this pie happen.  Use your discretion on picking the right size receptacle for your ooey goodness – and don’t let children peer pressure you into “just dumping it all” in.

The pie didn’t have time to set (which would’ve taken a week or so based on the size), unfortunately.  We wanted to scarf it down long before it was ready.


No complaints here!  Next time, my pie will stay together – just you wait.  🙂  The fact that it didn’t turn out kind of makes me smile, because if you knew Bubba – she wasn’t the type of woman to let one failure stop her from success.

I hope that you all got to spend Memorial Day with the ones you love, remembering all the ones who’ve come before.

And enjoy some Strawberry Pie Soup